The Posts Archive

caleb gamman avatar

Good Evening, β€œthe posts” was a 4 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

AukonDK avatar

Glass Onion was a lot of fun. This Rian Johnson fellow seems to know what he’s doing. I should watch some more of his stuff.

pancakecouncil avatar

what if it was Caleb GamMAN and he was just for the fellas

caleb gamman avatar
caleb gamman avatar
Matt avatar

I can’t wait to see blue guy big 2: subsurface scattering

Matt avatar

Wait a second how are both of Caleb Gamman’s twitter accounts the same @

Eli Owens avatar

Hi first time Calebgammaning on glad to be here

caleb gamman avatar
Matt avatar

I’ve just been alerted that this website uses cookies. Good. I like cookies, they are delicious to me

πŸ’š rvth πŸ’Ž avatar

idk about any of you lot, but i’m getting some big stewart lee vibes off this guy