The Posts Archive

caleb gamman avatar

Good Evening, “the posts” was a 4 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

caleb gamman avatar

while we’re here, any preference for bonus content?

caleb gamman avatar

plans for making back the time investment (8 hours?) of setting this up
1 – force everyone to buy imaginary stickers
2 – president

JLP avatar

I’m posting. On caleb gamman

jillresh avatar

i’m here

AukonDK avatar

This is cosy.

Mickelham avatar

I want to post pictures of my cat. Will this only be limited to text posts?

Matt avatar

caleb gamman

calebgamman2 avatar

hey folks

💚 rvth 💎 avatar

caleb gamman

caleb gamman avatar

i had today set aside to put together a bunch of bonus content but i’m terribly sorry i got distracted by creating this instead. should have time tomorrow evening to throw something together

caleb gamman avatar

caleb gamman